Doctors are supposed to be intelligent people, but the last three years have shown that most are prone to follow corporate government narratives regardless, and do what they are told. The result has been a lack of trust in doctors in general, especially by the Unjabbed and the Regretters, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 plandemic.
There have been some loud voices among the doctor ranks from the beginning of the plandemic, although many were silenced or shut down. Now there is a new initiative being voiced by a large number of the white coated ones. It’s called The Global Health Project and a series of videos describing their concerns and opinions are being circulated.
Dr Kat Lindley is one of the founding members of the group says that the videos are all about questioning the Covid-19 narrative, encouraging others to also question and not just buy into the official story as it is presented, (ironic eh).
Lindley points out that after preaching for so long that the mRNA injections were safe and effective, the CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, testified in the American Congress last April that they were actually ineffective against the the so-called Covid-19 virus, and this admission has jolted many doctors into a semi wakened state.
Dr Lindley says that messages coming from the WHO clearly indicate that the Covid-19 plandemic was just a play, a rehearsal for a much larger event and when governments collectively sign over their autonomy and sovereignty to the WHO (which is underway right now), then the next stage can be implemented.
Many of the doctors in this Global Health Project will have been Jabbed and will likely be seeing the side effects in their patients as well as themselves. They will be having a first-hand look at any carnage that the injections have caused. Good luck to Lindley and the others in this endeavour.
There is a link to a video with an interview with Kat Lindley, Here.