The current ongoing riots in France and increasing unrest across other countries in Europe spells success for the WEF and the goals that the Deep State actors have been working towards for years.
The ‘Open Borders’ strategy was always going to create massive social upheaval for any country as their national identity becomes undermined and their sense of sovereignty goes by the board.
The president of France Emmanuel Macron is a Frenchman yes, but primarily a Globalist. Like others around the world in positions of power who have been through the WEF pressure cooker courses (five years of Young Global Leaders), what is really on his mind are the delusions of grandeur that he has been fed by his teachers.
A Young Jesuit
Macron (the son of a physician and a neurosurgeon) was educated mainly at the Jesuit institute Lycée la Providence in Amiens before his parents sent him to finish his last year of school at the elite Lycée Henri-IV in Paris, where he completed the high school curriculum and the undergraduate program.
To say that Macron is not a pragmatic man is an understatement. He has always lived and worked in academic elite circles and so the aligning of himself with the goals and ideologies of the Globalist Elites was an easy step to take.
Video Games and Parents
With cities throughout France on fire and thousands of riot polices having to be deployed, Macron’s response has been to blame video games and parents for not controlling their children.
A growing awareness is that cloaked behind that naive summation is something much more sinister, the deliberate destruction of a country in favour of a world government.
The establishment of centralised government for the planet by a governing Elite has been the long game for the WEF from the beginning.
“Build Back Better”
The constant catchphrase of the Globalist Elites is to ‘build back better’, but that cannot possibly occur when the current system is still in place, so the destruction of democratic sovereign states is necessary for the great reset to be achieved. The creation of social strife within a country, the destruction of the economic system and the limiting of the population to grow as a people is all part of this strategy. Right across the planet where Globalists are in power the same approach is being taken and there is no concern about the destruction of human life in order to make it happen.
A last gasp attempt
For all their futuristic and benefaction parlance, Globalists are an ancient breed. They operate through top-down, hierarchical structures and see themselves as deserving to be at or near the top. The problem is that the rest of humanity is fast outgrowing this mode of governance. The success of the Elites has always been to recognise trends and usurp them, but with internet and social media now in full swing, it is becoming more and more difficult to achieve this old modus operandi.
Interestingly, Macron has been considering the limiting or closing down of the internet in France.
Blunt fascism is a sign of a desperate, last gasp attempt to achieve the ultimate goal for Globalists, centralised Government and world domination. Just watch as the armed forces are employed in France to deal to orchestrated dissent, orchestrated by the current government itself.