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Posts published in “Articles”

Top 10 Unused Devices

There has been data collected on the most purchased and unused electrical household devices. Surveys and studies reveal a long list of common gadgets that…


The term “fatalism” is the belief that events are predetermined and inevitable, leading to a resigned acceptance of the situation without attempting to change it.…


Victim-hood can be seen as an attempt to avoid confronting the reality of oneself or one’s situation by shifting the focus from personal responsibility to…


The word “xenophobia” originates from the Greek words “xenos,” meaning “stranger” or “foreigner,” and “phobos,” meaning “fear.” The term combines these roots to describe an…

The Collar

The word “collar” has an interesting etymological history that traces back to Latin and beyond. Here is a breakdown of its origins… Latin Origin: The…

Paradox Of The Heap

The Sorites Paradox Imagine standing on a beach, scooping up a handful of sand. Is this handful a heap? Probably not. But what if you…

Perception Management

Could you think of a more insidious corporate term than ‘perception management’?It can be argued that the many militaries have undergone corporatisation in various ways,…

Some Covid-19 Vax Stats

The below COVID-19 vaccination statistics are derived from various sources, including national health departments, the World Health Organisation (WHO), and databases such as Our World…