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Posts published in “Articles”

Book Ciphers

A book cipher is a type of encryption that uses a book or other large text as a key to encode and decode messages. The…

Serotonin Syndrome

I recently came across a person who had spent time in hospital because they had been diagnosed as suffering from Serotonin Syndrome. I thought I…

Food Security

Food security, a cornerstone of global stability, is increasingly under threat due to destructive and misguided political agendas. Across the world, essential policies intended to…

Tux, The Linux Penguin

There’s an interesting story behind Linux’s penguin logo, known as Tux. The idea for the penguin logo originated from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux.…

What Freedom Is

We hear the word ‘freedom’ a lot these days, mainly because our freedoms appear to be under attack. Let’s take a dive into exactly what…

AI Avatars

I recently decided to get brave and create an AI avatar, then explore the interaction through Unity3D. The above avatar has lipsync, an idle animation,…


Panspermia is a hypothesis that suggests life on Earth and potentially other planets has originated from microorganisms or biochemical compounds present in outer space. According…